Retirement Community

Kindness Rocks

In the beautiful weather we’ve been having, we wanted to encourage our residents to get out and walk.  “Kindness Rocks” are river rocks that are painted pretty colors and have kind sayings on them, such as, “Be cheerful and pass it on!” or “Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” So, I paint the rocks on the weekends and have been putting out four a day when I walk my dog…at about 5:30 a.m.  Then, the folks get out (after the sun comes up!) and look for them and bring them to the office and get an envelope.  (I mix up the numbers and dollar amount.  For example the number five might have $2.00 one day and the next they may find a $5 in the envelope marked number 5….just to keep them off balance.)

Residents at Milledgeville Active Living Community

The residents seem to be enjoying the game so much.  This is our final week, and on Monday I will hide only two rocks that will have bigger prizes for the grand finale!  


Active Living Community in Milledgeville - Kindness Rocks

Bible Study Group

We currently have a group that meets every Wednesday morning at 10:30 for Bible study and worship. They are led by Pastor Evelyn Harris (seen left of center of photo with yellow blouse). In a few months, we will begin hosting the congregation of Hardwick Primitive Baptist church every Sunday morning for Bible study and worship services led by Pastor Craig DeLoach. They are in search of a new church home, so we are happy to help out until that location is found.

Covered Dish April First Friday

The first Friday of every month we have a covered dish.  We prepare the main item, which ranges from homemade chicken-pot-pie to slow-cooked pulled pork, and the residents bring other items: veggies, salads, desserts, and sometimes bread.  Oddly enough, this is our activity that has the most attendees!  We have some great cooks in this community, and apparently everyone knows it!  We have three huge tables that line three walls of one room and two of them are full of food (the other is full of a choice of beverages).  The blessing is at noon and it is seldom missed!